Sunday, April 26, 2009
Acne can be treated in several ways including the use of acne products like cream, lotion, cleanser or by having recourse to natural acne skin care treatment methods which have proven to work effectively. These methods are safe and reliable. Sometimes what might not be safe in some acne products is the use of chemical components which can have side effects on your skin like allergies, reddish and itchy skin. These can just worsen your acne.
Nature in itself is healing and can purify our body and this is why natural acne skin care therapies are highly recommended. Among them, you have green tea, aloe vera, basil, turmeric which are acne healers. Also available are products which contain natural ingredients to cure acne.
Aloe vera for instance are sold as creams and are very refreshing for the skin and will lessen the acne inflammation. You also have green tea acne cream which is an ideal candidate for getting rid of acne because the green tea extract has amazing healing benefits. It can also refine the pores. By using natural acne products, you will nourish your skin and make it less proned for acne. Also, drinking green tea regularly has the potential to flush toxins from your body and reduce your acne as well.
One other alternative in using green tea is to boil green tea dried leaves which are usually of a brownish-black color. Then let the tea warm up a bit and take the tea to apply on your skin with a towel. Just tap on the affected areas for about 15 minutes everyday for at least 2 weeks. The longer the better. The temperature of the tea should preferably be between warm and hot.
So why not give natural acne skin care treatment a try? You have nothing to lose other than eliminating your acne. It's recommended that you consult a dermatologist first and seek his or her advice before following an acne skin care therapy.
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